Coach Noah’s Tips on Hill Training

Uphill Battles: A Guide to Running on Hills

Running on hills and inclines can be a daunting task, but it's a necessary part of training, especially in St. Louis' terrain. As a runner and coach, I've had my fair share of experience with hills and inclines. I love training on hills and suggesting my clients to run on them, so I'm excited to share some tips to help you tackle them!

  1. Get comfortable with the incline The first step to conquering a hill or incline is to mentally prepare yourself. Accept the challenge and embrace the struggle. Remember that hills are a natural part of running and they're here to make you stronger. Try to find a rhythm and maintain a steady pace as you climb the hill.

  2. Adjust your form Running uphill requires more effort, and it's important to adjust your form to make the most of your energy. Lean forward slightly, engage your core, and drive your arms forward and back to generate momentum. Focus on taking shorter, quicker steps to maintain your momentum, and avoid over-striding as it can be harmful to your knees.

  3. Gradual incline vs. steep hill: The approach to tackling gradual inclines and steep hills may differ slightly. For gradual inclines, try to maintain a consistent effort level by slowing down your pace, but maintaining your cadence. Take advantage of the downhill sections to recover and pick up your speed. On the other hand, for steep hills, it may be helpful to adjust your effort level and increase your cadence. Take shorter strides and engage your arms to power up the hill.

  4. Hill repeats If you want to improve your hill running ability, hill repeats are a great way to build strength and endurance. Find a hill or incline that takes around 60-90 seconds to climb and run up it at a hard effort. Recover by jogging down the hill and repeat the process. Aim for 4-6 repetitions initially and build up to 10 or more over time.

  5. Mental toughness Running on hills can be physically challenging, but it's equally important to develop mental toughness to tackle them. Try to stay positive, focus on your breath, and avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts. Remember that the struggle is part of the process, and it's what makes you stronger in the long run.

  6. Use the terrain to your advantage St. Louis has a variety of hills and inclines, and you can use them to your advantage. Incorporate hill workouts into your training, and run on hills that mimic the course of your next race. This will help you prepare mentally and physically for the challenge ahead.

Running on hills and inclines can be a challenge, but with the right mindset and approach, you can run them with confidence. Get comfortable with the incline, adjust your form, and develop mental toughness. Use hill repeats to build strength and endurance and take advantage of the terrain. Remember that running on hills is an opportunity to challenge yourself and become a stronger runner!


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