Local 5k honoring MLK & bringing St. Louis together!

This weekend you have the chance to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. by running or walking in his honor. On Sunday, February 3rd, the MLK Unity Run is hosting their third annual run. The race proceeds benefit The Youth Achievers Counseling Program, an organization that provides low and no cost mental health services to youth and their families.   Race director Trayvond Jacobs was inspired to start a run that focused on charity and bringing the St. Louis community together. Jacobs encourages people of all walks of life to participate in this event.  “We want people to know that this event accommodates everyone, from the most active runner to the first time, 5k walker. Everyone is not only welcome, but wanted! Dr. King marched for miles in the heat, cold, and even the rain; so participating with your neighbors in a 5k that supports the unity of our communities, is one small step that anyone can make in the direction of furthering his mission, today,” Jacobs said. In 2019, the Youth Achievers Counseling Program lead by licensed counselor Jamell Jacobs plans to collaborate with teachers, school counselors, and families to provide supplemental mental health services in the school setting. Those taking part in the MLK Unity Run can take pride knowing they are participating in an event that benefits an organization that walks the walk in the St. Louis community.  “Our run/walk is just like any other, but we do like to think that people view their participation as a sign of wanting our communities to have the unity we all long for and desire to celebrate the work and mission of Martin Luther King Jr., by racing together.” “Also, some participants have expressed an appreciation for the fact that their proceeds support low and no cost counseling for youth and families,” Jacobs said.  All abilities are welcome including walkers. The 5k starts at 8:30 a.m. Nearly 300 people are expected to toe the line Sunday morning. If you aren’t able to join in person, they do offer a virtual race registration option. Registration fees are $25 from October 13th-January 31st. $30 February 1st and 2nd and $35 on race morning. Kids under 12 are welcome to join for free.  “Prior to the race, we offer multiple spaces for preparation and warm up. Outside there is a DJ performing to engage and motivate the runners, and indoors there is music playing throughout the (heated) facility that has multiple rooms available. Participants will also check-in and pick up their packets prior to the run in the warm building. They will use this same area after the run/walk to get medals, confirm race times, and to socialize after the event!” Jacobs said.    For more information on the race and the Youth Achievers Counseling Program, follow the link here. https://www.youthachieversfoundation.org/mlkunity5k (Photo courtesy of the MLK Unity Run/Walk Facebook page.)


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