About Noah Daum

I am a Nationally Certified Running Coach through the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). I race various distances from miles to marathons, but Iā€™m currently most enthusiastic about training for 5Ks and half marathons.

Running has been an important aspect of my life since I joined the track team in middle school. After continuing to run in high school, I led the cross country team when I studied Graphic Design and Leadership at Blackburn College (2018). After school, I continued to pursue running on my own before joining the Spewak Racing Team in 2021.

I have gained a significant amount of knowledge and expertise from the running coaches that I have had and I now seek to share my passion for running by coaching other athletes.

My goal is simple: to help others! I love to work with motivated people who want to improve through running, as well as in life. My philosophy is that running mirrors life. Sometimes we face challenges, but when we remain positive and carefully plan for these challenges, we can persevere.

Contact: noah@spewaktraining.com